Spooky season is upon us, again! And if you know anything about us here at Wendt, it’s this – we die for a good Halloween. Costume contests, murder mysteries, haunted hallways, skeleton dogs…we hallow with the best of ‘em! And if you’re wondering how many more Halloween puns we have up our cloak…it’s a lot. So sit back, grab some candy, and take notes because we’re walking you through the best ghosts of Wendt’s Halloween past (A.K.A. our favorite Halloween costumes).

Industry Trends
Embracing the Creative Challenge: Q&A with our Graphic Designer
As creatives, trends will change, digital spaces will evolve, and typography will come and go. But one characteristic can keep you rooted through it all – a mindset that embraces change. A creative since she could walk (and draw on walls), our graphic designer, Kit, is a natural-born optimist. And with that glass-is-half-full attitude has always come an innate desire to learn, lean in, and bring both others and her art skills along for the ride! How has Kit continued to welcome change and embrace the creative challenge in both her personal and professional life? We’ll leave it to her to spill that tea!