Wendt has been fortunate for the last eight years to partner with the Montana Lottery, bringing the fun and excitement of Lottery games to Montanans through creative messaging. Whether it’s promoting a summer scratch game and partnering with big name brands like Ford, Jeep, and Winnebago, or working hand-in-hand with the Lottery team to develop messaging around a brand-new game like Big Sky Bonus, we are never at a shortage of creative vision and humorous ideas. The Montana Lottery is the true definition of a genuine partnership. Read here about one thing you need to know about great client collaborations. Our relationship is built on trust and respect, values we share with the Lottery team. Along with trust and respect comes an incredible amount of creativity and open-mindedness. Some of our best brainstorming sessions come through collaboration with the Lottery team at the table. This not only brings more ideas, but also drives us to be even more bold and creative.

A Note from our President: Celebrating 95 Years of Creativity
As we close the chapter of 2024, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible milestone of 95 years in business. 2024 was a year of creativity,