Fangs for the Memories - The Wendt Agency

Fangs for the Memories

Fangs for the Memories

“Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative.” -Judy Gold

There is no one more creative than the crew at The Wendt Agency, which is why Halloween is such a big deal around here. It’s certainly my favorite tradition!

I was unsure what to expect my first Halloween here at Wendt. Halloween has always been one of my most beloved holidays, but the more I heard about the annual celebration, the more excited I became. As part of the planning committee, I was put in charge of game development. I am still very proud of the original Wendt murder mystery game I designed and created based on the game Clue. The office enjoyed my clothespin game that featured around 65 individually hand-painted clothespins. Another one of my favorite games that year was musical chairs with Halloween music, which I won. I also thought my costume was pretty clever; a social butterfly (a fun play on words since I am the social media specialist at Wendt).

The second year at Wendt, I was dressed as the Cheshire Cat (with a wig, elaborate face paint, and very impractical claw nails). That year, I devised a game to get everyone in the spooky spirit leading up to the actual day. We had an array of skeletons around the office and everyone had an opportunity to set up their very own Skeleton Diorama: I also won this game. The committee had a lot of fun buying a few new Halloween decorations and bedecking the entire office. My favorites included the entry way black lights that illuminated the skeleton scenes set up in the street facing big front windows, the repurposed Christmas trees that became a glowing spooky forest graveyard, and of course, the motion sensor ghost that guarded the entryway to the bathroom.

This year I was asked to lead the planning committee, comprised of all new employees who have never experienced a Wendt Halloween. After bringing them up to speed and conveying the significance of Halloween here at Wendt (and explaining the number one rule…keep your costume a secret!), we came up with a bunch of terror-ific ideas for this year’s festivities. We wanted to get everyone excited for Halloween, so we came up with the 13 Days of Halloween (a reverse countdown spin on the 12 days of Christmas). Each of the 13-days leading up to Halloween we are planning something fang-tastic. And we haven’t forgotten about the party itself! There will be plenty of haunting holiday activities then too.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see the full 13 Days of Halloween and our creative costumes this year! Wishing you a wicked Halloween from all of us here at Wendt.

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